
Twenty Five Nominated for 4 Indie Series Awards

Twenty Five, a comedic web-series created by New York-based writer Josh Duboff, tells the story of three high school friends who are reunited in New York City two years out of college. Beryl, an aspiring actress, has been dating a slightly doltish frat bro for about a year and is starting to feel restless.  Jimmy's (Brennan) doing the bloggin’ thing, scouring OKCupid, drinking a whole lot of wine . . . waiting for a "path" to become clear to him.  And wide-eyed/idealistic Taylor, the third member of their trio, has just arrived to join them in the city after two years working for Teach for America.

Twenty Five was nominated for four Indie Series Awards, including Best Comedy Series, Best Lead Actress in a Comedy (Alex Trow), Best Supporting Actress in a Comedy (Jessica DiGiovanni), and Brennan Caldwell for Best Lead Actor in a Comedy.

You can catch all four episodes online here!